Time ... What's the better way to forget your past and smile to your future? Just time. Time is the only way to do that. And the only thing I need is time. Time for me, time for you, time for us ...

I want to correct my old mistakes, I want everybody that I miss in my life. I want them here for me, with me ...

I want my old friends, my new friends ... I want them right by my side.

Maybe our future it's our choices, and If that's the true, I choose my happiness and I choose you. I choose us.

I just want peace everyday in my life. I want smiles, jokes, good people, good vibes, good friends (...) I just want good things, the simple and good things of life.

So ... Will time bring me good
things or should I choose the good things I want?

Empty. Simply an empty.

What better classification could I give to my life than this?

Nothing. Nothing is all I have. And it may not make sense but this, this is just what I feel. Nothing. Nothing gives me joy and nothing gives me sadness. Nothing is happening. There's nobody to fill the void. Already existed but only left a hole bigger and deeper than the one that already existed. And now I think? Do you really need someone to fill a void?

Maybe I just need to occupy my time with something dedicated to myself. But what? A race? Dance? Corner? Representation?

The problem is that the will to implement them has long is gone. I do not feel like doing anything and is a stupid complain to me that my life is an empty but do not know what to do but wake up, stay alive, and sleep.

And now tell me, what life do I have? It's like I know the answer to this question, honestly.

Best song ever

Well, lots of people say that their best song ever is " What makes you beautiful " for lots of reasons, but I don't know If it's weird if I say that my best song ever isn't " What makes you beautiful " neither " Torn " neither " Moments " or " More than this " . I have two bests songs ever ... Yes I'm weird. And my bests songs ever are " They don't know about us " and " Little things " .

And I will tell you why, of course ... That's because these two songs bring me feelings that no other song brought me. It's like, when I hear " Little Things " I remember all the things that I hate in my body but when I listen what they say in the song I see that my body isn't all bad things because somewhere, somebody will love my little things, that little things that I hate.

I can cry while I'm listening to this song but I know that as soon as she finished I'll be smiling, smiling because I feel that they're singing that to me, like all the girls feel while they listen to this song, but I don't know, believing that they're singing that to me make me happy or more than that. " Little things " is that song that you hear when you feel bad about yourself but then you see that somewhere in this world will be a person that will say that you're perfect even with all that things that you hate.

I don't know if One Direction remember but I doubt that because they were in Portugal like 2 moths ago but in the concert while everybody was quiet, me and a friend sung " They don't know about us " and you know why? Because they don't know about us literally, they don't know our names, our story, how much we love them, what we do for them ... They don't know but all your fans dream to be that girl that someday they will sing this song. We dream awake that we're girlfriends of one of 1D. Well, I dream I'm girlfriend of one of them ... yeah yeah make fun of me ... but they make me feel save, happy and loved.
Stupid, you were so stupid and you still be stupid ... 
These words are echoed in my head, and it is in them that I have focused throughout the day. Actually I was really stupid, sucker, vulnerable, easy, desperate, boring (...) And how many more adjectives arrangement more at down I get. As I write this, I feel my inner self explode with anger, because I know that he is out laughing at this point, he's ok and I? I'm here lost somewhere between my room and my thoughts. I don't want him to think of me as the girl with a broken heart, don't want him to think that I like him because it makes me feel weak. I want him to realize that he is indifferent in my life. But is he indifferent? I know that I don't love him, neither like him, but I feel the need to have him around, talk to him, after all, I want his friendship, nothing more. I just want my routine back.

Have you felt like the easier X to find on an equation? Have you felt that it was impossible to find the Y? Have you found an equation impossible to solve? But still you keep trying? Join the club ...
I feel disgusted with myself. I'm so bored, I have nothing to make someone love me, in fact, I can not make someone love me ... It's missing content, it's missing physical, it's missing everything ...
How can someone be so unattractive? Incidentally, how can I be so uninteresting?
Being honest I just want to be loved, I want someone to do for me what I have done for everybody, I want to be cherished, I want to be spoiled, I want to be surprised ... But what reason someone would have to do that for me? After all I do not deserve this.

For the first time, in a long time, you look me in the eyes.
I don't know what you think because I can't read minds but your eyes said that you're dissapointing, I don't know why or with what, I just know that I hurt in the same way that you hurted me.
If we're both hurt why we can't be  together? Maybe we just miss each other.
I miss you, I confess. And you? You miss me?

I feel that you're changed, but not in the good way.
I know that you drink to take all the pain away.
But that's not my fault and being with my bestfriend don't make our situation better you know? I'm so jealous. I want you. I want us.
If I'm right please tell me and we can start all over again and forget everything just to be happy together.
I lost everything, I don't have more nothing to lose so I'll take the risk and say that I love you. And I know that because in a place full of persons, faces and smiles. I only see you.
And when our eyes find each other I felt my heart skip a beat. So please, forgive me and I'll forgive you too.

Can we please turn back time?
Please say that you remembered me, like I remember you.

So today I saw you, you were at the shopping with a friend, and I was with my bestfriend, you said hi to her and just ignored me. That’s so stupid! I swear that If I had a gun I shooting in your chest, right in the place where your heart should be.
But passing it ahead, you're getting more beautiful. You let your hair grow and that special way to walk almost no longer exists.
You're no longer the guy I used to know, but the strange thing is that I still like you, maybe more than before, but I have to move on, right?
These last days have been so complicated, the tears have dried up and my pillow is already flooded. But I can’t handle it.
I will continue with a smile and my head up, I don’t want to explain this to anyone, and I don’t I want that they understand that you still affect me, much less want you to know that I still miss us. 
It’s so strange, I don’t want to see you but I want to see you … OMG I think that I’m crazy … Somebody help me?
I think that it's my fault. You know, maybe our seperation is because of me ... I don't know, maybe I was so mean to you, but I know that it's to late to apologize but I still miss our friendship, I don't ask for more, just a friendship ... Can we stop the tape and rewind?